I want to go to Oaxaca, MX during xmas and need advice.?
2005-12-08 09:16:32 UTC
Can I "wing it" without hotel reservations, and figure it out when i get there? I know the town gets busy but i'd rather figure it out as i go. Also, i've had different advice on where to go along the coast south of the city for the best no-frills adventure. advice appreciated.
One answer:
2005-12-13 17:23:16 UTC
I have been to Oaxaca twice and have never needed a reservation. I found a variety of hotels and rates. I love the downtown and the local market is a must. Travelling outside the city was fun, especially seeing the amount of fabrics.

Monte Alban is nice and I took a bus as I also took a bus to the coast line.

Oaxaca is a real artsy community with balck pottery, music. great brass bands in the downtown.

Christmas, make sure you have warm clothes.


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